Let's take a few moments to consider what Information Literacy really entails. Overall, I think the majority of librarians would consider IL to broadly mean finding, evaluating, and using information, but what if this isn't the case at all? What if creating life long learners means something even broader?
Today my boss told me I needed to incorporate more information literacy into my library instruction sessions. Initially, I was taken back since my boss has never even attended one of my sessions. Naturally, I was surprised when confronted with such a statement.
I thought I had been showing students how to find, evaluate, and use information all along. Of course the lesson has always been wrapped in a package in order to keep the students attention, nevertheless IL is there in a predominant way.
So I was left scratching my head. I think the difficulty lies in having five standards and dozens and dozens of objectives and indicators. There's no way a librarian can incorporate everything in 50 minutes. Is there?
Maybe my friends at UCF are onto something investigating Information Fluency, however, I think we should strive to fully understand IL before moving onto to IF.